Do you have a hard time finding the right tech talent?

We make hiring easy.

Connect with our pre-assessed community of 250K+ local and international tech professionals, hire the right tech talent for your company and pay them anywhere.

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Join this list of great companies

Here’s how we make it easier for you

Get access to our 250K+ tech professionals community

Connect with local and international talent at your fingertips

Talk to tech talent located at your doorstep or anywhere in the world: get organic applications in your pipeline or search directly in our community of highly qualified individuals and contact your next hires.

Make some noise, get your brand promoted

Our channels, networks and expertise are at your disposal to make sure you attract the right talent.

Tech community
Match the right Talent with your needs

Sophia Jahnke, HR Recruiting Coordinator @ FreeNow DE

Forget the pile of CV’s on your email. Landing.Jobs will identify the right candidates for you and help you make great hiring decisions.

Invest time only with relevant candidates

Get verified applicants for your jobs

All candidates are carefully pre-screened by our experienced AI algorithms to make sure they match your jobs’ specifications, and our specialised team handpicks the right applications.

Obtain unique additional information through our assessments

We interview to get the candidate’s salary and work preferences and pre-assess our community based on their technical, personality and cognitive abilities, which we transparently share with you to facilitate your hiring decisions.

Invest time only with relevant candidates

Get verified applicants for your jobs

All candidates are carefully pre-screened by our experienced AI algorithms to make sure they match your jobs’ specifications, and our specialised team handpicks the right applications.

Obtain unique additional information through our assessments

We interview to get the candidate’s salary and work preferences and pre-assess our community based on their technical, personality and cognitive abilities, which we transparently share with you to facilitate your hiring decisions.

Match the right Talent with your needs

Sophia Jahnke, HR Recruiting Coordinator @ FreeNow DE

Forget the pile of CV’s on your email. Landing.Jobs will identify the right candidates for you and help you make great hiring decisions.

Get the necessary tools to hire your team successfully

You choose the scale of your product

You get dozens of features conceived to save you time when handling your pipeline. You can integrate with your favourite recruiting tools or even oversee everything directly in our comprehensive platform at no extra costs.

You’re not alone during this journey

You get a dedicated success manager who speaks tech and understands your pains to advise you based on extensive market knowledge and meaningful data reports on end-to-end recruitment matters. As a Tech Hiring Community member, you’ll have access to exclusive market insights, experts content, and invite-only events.

Plataform Landing.Jobs

António Macedo, Senior Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Specialist @ Vision-Box

Landing.Jobs helped us set up a recruitment process which was constantly improved based on data. We were able to increase our inflow of candidates from multiple locations and seniorities, and build a good talent pool for the plenty of tech roles we had open.
Want to know more?

Get a top one-stop-shop hiring service with these service add-ons

Workforce Payments

Pay anyone, anywhere. When hiring abroad, we make sure you comply with any local labour law with no effort while dealing with the necessary administrative tasks.

Employer Branding

Generate enough brand buzz. We customise a myriad of initiatives to increase the community reach and awareness of your company. It might include social media and newsletter mentions, blog posts, personalised events and other creative initiatives.

Tech Recruiter as a Service
Tech Recruiter as a Service

Workforce Payments

Pay anyone, anywhere. When hiring abroad, we make sure you comply with any local labour law with no effort while dealing with the necessary administrative tasks.

Employer Branding

Generate enough brand buzz. We customise a myriad of initiatives to increase the community reach and awareness of your company. It might include social media and newsletter mentions, blog posts, personalised events and other creative initiatives.

Workforce Payments

Tech Recruiter as a Service

Get a specialised extra pair of hands. The way to streamline your recruitment process is to get a tech recruiter expert using cutting-edge frameworks and technology to source and hire the right professionals for you.

VISA & Relocation

Don’t stick to local pools and hire abroad. In case you’re open to hiring the best talent globally, we help you running the legal process at the speed of the light and at the most affordable fares.

Inquisitive to know more about our features?

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