The origin of the gender gap in technology

On the gender gap in tech: examining societal norms, systemic biases, and the importance of fostering inclusivity to bridge this divide.

Unlocking tech talent stories

June 20, 2023

In recent years, the underrepresentation of women in the tech industry has become a subject of intense scrutiny and concern. It’s an issue that has sparked numerous debates, with a multitude of factors being cited as potential causes. 

The Guardian’s article from 2017 shed light on some of the underlying issues, citing the infamous Google incident where “computer engineer James Damore, axed for suggesting women were less suited to certain tech roles”. 

Companies with homogenous workforces make worse products and earn less money, argues Guha. “We know large numbers of women are struggling to get funding. A female founder is 86% less likely to be funded than a man,” she says. “That’s crazy when we know the return on investment is higher; it is about 34% higher for companies with a gender diverse leadership. It’s not about ‘corporate social responsibility’: a diverse range of thinking will bring better value for the company.”Hannah Devlin and Alex Hern for The Guardian

Let’s delve deeper into the origins of the gender gap in technology, examining societal norms, systemic biases, and the importance of fostering inclusivity to bridge this divide.

Breaking stereotypes

From an early age, societal stereotypes often shape our perception of gender roles. Toys, media, and cultural influences tend to associate technology-related interests with boys, reinforcing the notion that technology is a male-dominated field. These stereotypes can discourage girls from pursuing careers in tech, creating a significant gender gap.

Education and encouragement

The gender gap in technology starts to take root during the education years. Studies have shown that girls’ interest in STEM  fields declines as they progress through school. Factors such as biased teaching, lack of role models, and limited exposure to STEM opportunities contribute to this decline.

Additionally, the perpetuation of stereotypes within educational institutions, such as the assumption that boys are naturally more inclined towards technical subjects, further discourages girls from pursuing technology-related fields. It’s crucial to promote equitable educational practices, offering mentorship programs, coding clubs, and initiatives that actively encourage girls’ participation in STEM subjects.

Systemic biases

Even after entering the workforce, women face numerous challenges in the tech industry. The “glass ceiling” phenomenon, where women find it difficult to ascend to higher positions, is prevalent. Biased hiring practices, unequal pay, and a lack of supportive work environments perpetuate this gender gap.

The Google memo incident in 2017 shed light on the persistence of gender biases within organisations. It emphasised the need to address these biases to create an inclusive work environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

Creating an inclusive tech culture

To bridge the gender gap in technology, it’s crucial to foster inclusivity at all levels of society. Companies must actively work towards creating diverse and inclusive work environments, where employees are judged based on their abilities and not their gender.

Promoting mentorship programs, establishing gender-neutral hiring practices, and providing training on unconscious bias are key steps towards cultivating inclusivity. 

Additionally, highlighting the accomplishments of successful women in technology through media representation and recognition can inspire and encourage young girls to pursue their passion for tech.


The gender gap in technology is a multifaceted issue, stemming from societal stereotypes, biased education, and systemic barriers. Addressing this disparity requires a collective effort from individuals, educational institutions, and organisations.

By breaking down stereotypes, providing equal opportunities for education and professional growth, and fostering inclusive cultures, we can create a more equitable future for women in technology. 

It’s only through these concerted efforts that we can tap into the full potential of all individuals, regardless of their gender, and build a thriving tech industry that truly reflects the diversity and talent of our society.

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