Landing.Tech #12 — From Inform to Persuade: How Can Tech Step Up for Humanity?

Let’s put our efforts on stopping the virus and helping wherever and in any way possible.

Unlocking tech talent stories

April 3, 2020

Can you believe it’s April already? It seems like only yesterday we were going through the never-ending month of January. Nonetheless, a lot has changed in the world since January, and lots of things we took for granted are now put on hold. And as we all now have our daily routine influenced by the COVID-19 outbreak, so does the Tech World. It’s been getting harder to find news or changes within our society that are not fueled by COVID-19. Let’s hope that changes in the next couple of months.

Nonetheless, here are the three main news this week that I would like to point out:

Huawei is making some moves. This week they open-sourced MindSpore, a framework for AI app development. Already with some meaningful partners backing them in London or Edinburgh, the framework is similar to Google’s TensorFlow and Facebook’s PyTorch. Are you giving it a try?

In this medium story by Tristan Harris (ex-Google), discusses how big tech companies and social platforms can use their world leverage to persuade people that we’re facing a real threat and dealing with an emergency, besides only informing them. It’s a really interesting read, highly recommended. Let’s put our efforts on stopping the virus and helping wherever and in any way possible.

Even though within the Tech world, a lot of companies can work from home, other areas of society are being highly affected by the outbreak. Look at all the students that now can’t go to their schools. Well, a group of students in New York just recreated their high school on Minecraft. If the students can’t go to school, the school comes to the students. That’s been happening with online classes all around the world, but these students wanted more, so even though it’s a digital version of the school, technology does break barriers. Let’s always look on the bright side!

In times like these, we all have to be here for our family, friends, colleagues or even for that noisy neighbour of the floor above. Nothing of what we’re experiencing is normal, so as it’s highlighted in bold above, let’s be here one for another.

Stay Home,
Pedro Saraiva
Event Producer @ Landing.Jobs

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